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If a leak should appear, you should do the following:
Call APEX Building Company LLC immediately at 888-581-1783.
APEX must be notified in writing within 30 days in order to meet the terms and conditions of the warranty. Caution should be taken when reporting leaks, as the APEX warranty does not provide for leak investigations of claims not attributable to APEX or not covered by the warranty terms.
You should inspect the leak area to verify that the cause of the leak is indeed covered by the APEX warranty. If an authorized contractor or APEX representative is sent to investigate a leak and finds the leak is due to a cause not covered by the APEX warranty, you will (as with all manufacturers) be invoiced for the cost of the investigation by the contractor or APEX.
Even if a problem is reported to an authorized APEX contractor, it must also be reported directly to APEX as well.
Our records have proven that many damages are the result of individuals or companies performing maintenance or construction on a building during or after the installation of the APEX roofing system. These persons are liable for any damages to your roofing system.
If emergency repairs are required, the building owner should take immediate action to prevent entry of water into the roofing system and building interior. The building owner must still notify APEX of the repair no later than the next working day. Emergency repairs must be reasonably controlled in the judgment of APEX Roofing, Inc. to have not significantly increased the scope of necessary permanent repairs.
Rooftop repair and construction can be a dangerous activity requiring strict compliance with the recommended safety procedures. The building owner must always protect anyone on the roof. Consult OSHA and local safety agencies for safety guidelines. Safety should always be your number one priority.
Any emergency repairs must be undertaken with all necessary cautions. Two-person teams should be used and an inspection of the roof area should be made to insure that electrical hazards are not present. If an electrical hazard is present, the electricity should be shut off until it is repaired, and then the emergency roof repairs should be completed. If the roof is in danger of collapse from a build-up of water, snow or ice, the building should be evacuated immediately and then corrective action(s) taken.
Roofs are constantly under attack by weather, structural movement, and stresses as well as chemicals present in the atmosphere. While normal aging will occur on all roofs, small problems stemming from neglect, abuse, contamination, error or accident can
result in costly repairs or premature failure of the roofing system, if not detected. A regular program of inspection and repairs will help detect minor problems before they become serious, avoiding interruptions of the internal functions within the building, and most importantly, protecting the owner’s investment by adding years to the life of the roof.
A maintenance program has two areas of responsibility.
Scheduling Roof Inspections. At least two inspections should be made every year. Ideally, inspections should take place in the spring to check on damage that may have occurred in the winter, so repairs can be scheduled during the fair weather, summer months. The second inspection should be in the fall to be sure that the roof is in good condition for the upcoming winter months. Inspection should also be made after any other occurrences that might affect the roof. (Example: storms, construction activities, fires, etc.)
Conducting Inspections. All components of the roofing system should be closely inspected and a record made of any signs of deterioration, unusual traffic patterns, poor drainage, accumulated debris, displacement or loss of ballast, or other conditions.
The primary area of maintenance is the sealants on the roofing system. All pitch pan fillers, caulking, and sealants must be examined during all regular inspections. Sealants are a major item in any maintenance program due to the extreme stresses created in these areas. Sealants are susceptible to cracking, pulling away from the walls or other surfaces, and splitting. Sealant replacement should take place at the first sign of deterioration. APEX uses only the highest quality sealants for the APEX roofing system. Sealants must be supplied by APEX.
The roof structure should provide for positive drainage to eliminate ponding water whenever possible. Note: APEX does not exclude ponding water in the APEX warranty; but APEX shall have no liability for any structural damage which may result from ponding water. The weight of ponding water may deflect the decking and framing members, causing damage to the structure and the roofing system. Proper roof drainage is a very important item in a maintenance program. These structural issues should be addressed with your engineering and architectural advisors.
Drains should be kept clear, and any debris that may clog a drain such as tennis balls, baseballs, beverage cans, etc. should be removed during each inspection. Every drain should have a clean “leaf” grate present to prevent clogging of the drainpipes.
A roof inspection in the late fall should also include the removal of leaves. A clean industrial broom can be used to sweep the leaves from the drainage path(s). Another way of removing leaves and other debris as well as observing drainage patterns and
activity, is to “wash” the roof. Washing also removes the dirt from the roof surface, which is helpful for reviewing typical membrane wear during the roof inspection. Washing will also help maintain the APEX white membrane’s solar reflectivity. When cleaning the membrane surface, use a non-sudsing, non-abrasive, powdered cleanser (Ex. “Spic-n-Span”).
Parapet walls should be inspected for deteriorating copings, cracked or open mortar joints or other signs of wear and tear. Degradation of the parapet wall can lead to water penetration into the structure, which is not only harmful to a structure, it may also cause the failure of parts of the roofing system. Insulation, decking, framing members, and the fasteners in a mechanically-attached roofing system may all be adversely affected by moisture penetration.
The condition of the interior and exterior of the building structure should be visually checked during your regularly scheduled inspections. Defects within a structure can affect the roofing system because of the interactions between the structure and the roofing system.
If a drop ceiling is present, the interior can be viewed by removing ceiling tiles. The walls should be viewed for settling, cracking or movement. The decking should not be rusted (if metal) or deteriorating (if wood). Any water stains that become evident after the installation of the APEX roofing system will require research to determine the entry point of the water/moisture. A concrete deck should be checked for spalling, cracking and/or distortion of the deck to reveal possible structural defects. Any or all of these items can affect the roofing system because of the stresses revealed. Contact APEX Roofing, Inc. for an evaluation when encountering any of these items.
The exterior of the structure should be inspected for open mortar joints, poor laps in siding, concrete spalling, loose fascia or general degradation. Any of these items will allow water and moisture penetration, which may affect the longevity of the roofing system, and the structure itself. New water stains on exterior walls may indicate that the coping or other terminations are leaking.
Tie-in areas should be thoroughly inspected for any sign of failure. Tie-ins have different materials in contact, which may create an area of stress. The sealants and other items in these areas should be reviewed for cracking, splitting or gaps. Degradation of the other roofing system may have direct impact on the performance of the APEX roofing system. Any questions regarding the life of a tie-in should be directed to APEX for warranty considerations.
Care must be taken to insure that any small, sharp debris is removed from the roof. Check around air conditioning equipment, other penetrations and elevation changes, and areas of access. Air conditioners should be checked to insure that the access panels are properly fastened in place, and that the drainage lines are functioning properly. Clogged drain lines and missing panels are items that create leakage into the structure.
If a ballasted system has been installed, make sure the ballast is evenly distributed. Extreme care should be taken when inspecting the ballast, reviewing the corners, perimeter, and around penetrations for bare spots due to the increased wind effects in these areas. The ballast should be redistributed, taking care to not damage the membrane. If your inspections reveal that the ballast is being moved repeatedly, it may be necessary to place an interlocking paver system in these areas. The even distribution of ballast can have a direct correlation to the longevity of a roofing system. If problems persist, consider removing the ballast and installing an SPF roof.
The final area of inspection is the general appearance of the roof and the surface conditions of the membrane. General appearance is primarily a function of housekeeping. Debris, poor drainage or ponding water can directly affect the roofing system. An effective maintenance program will address these items and prevent damages to the roofing system.
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